
Thursday, February 13, 2014

Karen Hudes: Either We Take Back Our Gold, Our Legality, or We'll Have WWIII


  1. i don't have the time to watch 33 minutes but there is one hell of a lot of gold missing.

    germany asked for 600 tons of there gold back over a year ago and the last i heard was they had only got 37 tons back and i think only 6 tons was from the new york vault that was supposed to have it all.

  2. my figures above were wrong, it's 300 tons that the germans wanted back and 5 tons out of the 37 returned so far were from new york. the germans were told it will take 7 years to find all their gold.

    what happened last time the germans got mad at the world?

  3. BP took the words out of my mouth. We don't want to piss off the Germans. Take care, texlahoma.

  4. Billy - Seems like they are in "Stall" mode.
    Waiting until their friends are in charge.

    Mr. Shife - Nice to hear from you, my blog hasn't been up to par lately, maybe the magic will return.
    Have a good weekend.

  5. The BanKhazar$ will strongarm the Papistocracy via their LawKhazar$ & bought-off judges into making it "legal" to steal their gold.


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