
Monday, December 09, 2013

Colorado Tried Marijuana Legalization and Still Likes It


By: Monday December 9, 2013 11:23 am

After living with legal marijuana for a year the people of Colorado continue to believe legalization was the right move for their state. A new survey of Colorado voters by Public Policy Polling finds support for marijuana legalization essentially unchanged since 2012.
The poll found 53 percent of Colorado voters think that in general marijuana use should be legal, while only 38 percent think it should be illegal. This is nearly identical to the margin by which Amendment 64 which legalized marijuana was approved last year. That ballot measure passed 55 percent yes to 44 percent no. A year ago voters in Colorado legalized marijuana and after taking the reform for a test drive it seems almost no one who supported the measure regrets voting for it.

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  1. What is not mentioned is that DUI'S have increased significantly.

  2. Bob - High people drive almost just right, possibly a little too slow, but certainly not too fast.
    (That's what I have been told anyway.)


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