
Monday, September 03, 2012

Hillary Clinton condemns suicide attack against U.S. consulate employees in Pakistan

By Agence France-Presse
Monday, September 3, 2012 13:01 EDT
Hillary Clinton via AFP
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Monday denounced the “cowardly” attack against US consulate personnel in Pakistan and praised local authorities’ response to the scene.
Clinton, on a visit to Jakarta shortly after the bombing in Peshawar, said that she wanted to “very clearly condemn the attack on our consulate personnel”.
“We deplore the cowardly act of suicide bombing and terrorist attacks that have affected so many people around the world and which we must all stand against,” she told reporters.

Story continues at
I read the headline wrong, I thought it said:
"Hillary Clinton Commits Suicide".
I've already uncorked the champagne, so I might as well go ahead and drink it.


  1. Clinton is selling arms in the western Pacific and Obama has a choice.
    The forgotten Kennedy plan from the 1960s for UN trusteeship, or selling helicopters of fear,

    Democrat options, helicopters, a colony, people who are affected by the choice.

  2. Andrew - Thanks for the comment. I'll have to study your website, I don't know much about this subject.


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