
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Liberty's "Dark Knight"

(Here is an article from this blogs very first contributor, Triple C.)
Liberty's "Dark Knight"
Triple C
July 21, 2012
I don't believe that James Holmes was imitating the "Joker" as reported by many news outlets, but instead "Arnold Crimp". In a 1985 "Batman" comic strip Arnold Crimp, a lone gunman with red hair, goes into a theatre and starts shooting into the crowd. The Joker's hair, as well as I can remember, has always been green.
Arnold Crimp listens to Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven" backwards and hears the message "My sweet Satan". After listening to this 43 times to be sure that this is what he had heard, he decides to shoot up an adult theatre. After walking past row after row of pictures of women and words, he stops and decides to go into a movie entitled "My sweet Satan". In this movie he opens fire and kills three.
Many may not agree with the Arnold Crimp theory but something that is even more difficult to deny is the fact that the ATT (Arms Trade Treaty) comes up for a vote next week in the Senate. Since the ATT is an international treaty, Obama will need a 2/3 majority vote to have it ratified. The Obama administration was said to have been a few votes shy of getting the 2/3 majority needed for this to pass. In the "Dark Knight" shooting the alleged gunman, James Holmes,  used a Remington 8-gauge 1270 shotgun, an AR-15 assualt rifle, and two .40-caliber Glock hanguns.  These are all guns that are to be registered and then banned under the UN's ATT.
Could all this be coincidence? Obama's own former White House Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, said it best:
"Never let a good Crisis go to Waste."

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  1. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Will the "New Germans" in Unclesamland repeal their antiquainted Gun Laws.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2012 01:35 AM PDT

    Anyone who agrees to the inane USA law " The right to bear arms, unconditionally, is off their Hill billy rocker. The law is so lackadaisical, that any unhinged bonehead in America and there are plenty of them - can acquire a weapon to wreak havoc on whom they please at their slightest whim. Fifty wounded souls and twelve indiscriminately put to death by a lunatic American Gun loony in a movie theatre at Denver Colorado. this was a new approach to mass murder inspired by the screening of a film(Movie) The Dark Knight Rises, a person (Male) carrying an assortment of weapons copying the antics of a character from the Movie. Colorado is not the only 'Horse Opera' gun slinging state of the union to allow this gun freedom. the widespread use of weapons as a first choice to settle disputes is rampant within the whole rotten core of the USA. An excerpt from my memoirs follows. While at Charleston, South Carolina,USA. I was sent ashore as the Ship's Limey representative with the US Navy shore patrol. During a discussion, an American officer asked me why I pronounced the rank of Lieutenant as Leftenant and not Lootenant. "Both spell Lieutenant" I replied, "However, our pronunciation does not infer they live in lavatories. Later we attended a domestic dispute at a trailer park that housed U/S Navy married personnel. When we arrived, a very angry person with a shotgun fired at us, shattering the wind shield of our truck. The driver then backed off and the police were called. When I arrived back on board my ship , I was asked, "How did things go?" I replied, "It was a very quiet evening according to the Yanks. God Bless America and all who sail in Her. Back soon VEST.

  2. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Will the "New Germans" in Unclesamland repeal their antiquainted Gun Laws.

    Posted: 21 Jul 2012 01:35 AM PDT

    Anyone who agrees to the inane USA law " The right to bear arms, unconditionally, is off their Hill billy rocker. The law is so lackadaisical, that any unhinged bonehead in America and there are plenty of them - can acquire a weapon to wreak havoc on whom they please at their slightest whim. Fifty wounded souls and twelve indiscriminately put to death by a lunatic American Gun loony in a movie theatre at Denver Colorado. this was a new approach to mass murder inspired by the screening of a film(Movie) The Dark Knight Rises, a person (Male) carrying an assortment of weapons copying the antics of a character from the Movie. Colorado is not the only 'Horse Opera' gun slinging state of the union to allow this gun freedom. the widespread use of weapons as a first choice to settle disputes is rampant within the whole rotten core of the USA. An excerpt from my memoirs follows. While at Charleston, South Carolina,USA. I was sent ashore as the Ship's Limey representative with the US Navy shore patrol. During a discussion, an American officer asked me why I pronounced the rank of Lieutenant as Leftenant and not Lootenant. "Both spell Lieutenant" I replied, "However, our pronunciation does not infer they live in lavatories. Later we attended a domestic dispute at a trailer park that housed U/S Navy married personnel. When we arrived, a very angry person with a shotgun fired at us, shattering the wind shield of our truck. The driver then backed off and the police were called. When I arrived back on board my ship , I was asked, "How did things go?" I replied, "It was a very quiet evening according to the Yanks. God Bless America and all who sail in Her. Back soon VEST.

  3. Your argument that, "any unhinged bonehead " can acquire a weapon has absolutely nothing to do with this case. Jame Holmes only had one previous run in with law enforcement, and that was for a traffic citation. As a matter of fact the suspected shooter "gave no indication of violent delusions", according to ABC.

    In America it is also illegal for anyone convicted of a felony to legally own a fireman. It doesn't even have to be for a violent crime. So your argument is completly asinine.


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