
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Bilderberg Scheme To Save The Euro

Globalists fear Greece could exit single currency and stage a miraculous economic recovery
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The Bilderberg Group is terrified that Greece’s potential exit from the eurozone could lead to a dramatic economic recovery and provide a template for other countries to follow suit, threatening to torpedo the euro single currency and the entire agenda for a European federal superstate.
One of the primary discussion topics at this year’s upcoming Bilderberg Group meeting in Chantilly, Virginia will revolve around how the elite plan to address the issue that threatens to bring their agenda for global governance crashing down – the euro crisis.
The increasing threat of Greece abandoning its promise to honor draconian bailout terms agreed with Brussels and Berlin last night led German chancellor Angela Merkel to acknowledge for the first time that Greece could exit the euro, a likelihood that has sent the single currency along with financial markets plunging in recent days.
The euro crisis is now at its most severe point in history, outstripping similar crisis points which coincidentally also occurred just before the annual Bilderberg Group meetings in 2010 and 2011.
On both of those occasions, political consensus formed by Bilderberg members was enough to keep the euro on life support for another 12 months each time, and the same globalists will once again try and hammer out a strategy behind closed doors that will provide redemption for their cherished pet project.
In 2010, “the future of the euro” took center stage in Spain as Spanish Prime Minister Luis Rodriguez Zapatero was joined by numerous financial heavyweights to try and solve the crisis as Bilderberg members panicked about the possible collapse of the single currency.
A year later during the 2011 meeting in St. Moritz, Switzerland, the euro crisis was again at the top of Bilderberg’s agenda as globalists expressed fears that the demise of the single currency could also torpedo hopes to create multi-regional currencies.
Bilderberg is terrified not only that Greece will exit the euro, but that in doing so it will go on to see a massive economic rebound and become an example for other eurozone countries to follow the same course.
This fear is exemplified in a piece appearing today in Bilderberg-controlled newspaper the Financial Times entitled Greece’s exit may become the euro’s envy.

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  1. what ever happened to the tri-lateral commission?

  2. Billy -

    I think they are the same thing.


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