
Saturday, April 21, 2012

Witness for the Defense

I was watching some show about things that didn't make it into the bible.

When Jesus was a little kid he and another boy were playing up high on some rocks or something, the other kid got too close to the edge, fell off and was killed by the fall.
Soon adults came and some of them began to blame Jesus, saying that he pushed the kid off.
Jesus told them that the kid fell on his own but more adults started to blame Jesus.
Jesus goes to the child's body and brings him back to life and says
"Would you please tell them that I didn't push you off of the rocks?"
The resurrected boy confirms what Jesus had told them.


  1. Something else that never made it into the Bible was that story the Kock-Krunchin' Krapheads like to tell about Jesus cursing a black man to death.
    Nor the Papist fairy tale about Mary being "immaculately conceived" & raised from the dead...
    Nor again Dan Brown's DaVinci Code delusions.
    I tend to think these things didn't make the final edit because they are atleast apocryphal, possibly inaccurate, and most likely bullshit - Especially considering what reprobate minds have done with what's already there!

  2. Galt - You might be right.

    If the above story was a Saturday night live skit...

    ["Would you please tell them that I didn't push you off of the rocks?"
    The resurrected boy confirms what Jesus had told them.]

    Jesus says "Thanks." and the kid drops dead again.

  3. "Jesus says "Thanks." and the kid drops dead again."

    My coffee came out my nose on that one.


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