
Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The US Has Finally Done It: Mexican Immigrants Become Emigrants

You know its bad when...the net flow of Mexicans into the US has fallen so much that there is a high probability that it is now in reverse ending around forty years of inward migration. Continues at


  1. Now if Americans will just learn how to work and build shit again....

  2. Heff - Americans might be saying:
    "I know we were always bitching about you guys, but come back, I don't want to do HARD work."

  3. Those Mexicans are going to have a lot of company over the next four years if George W. Bush gets reelec...I mean "0bamney": A major part of the lingering recession is that many people who have the money are closing their businesses and getting out before the coffin lid slams/DHS 100-mile border barrier goes up. You'll know it's for real when government starts enforcing a"leave-all-your-shit-behind" rule on expats - the creeping start of which may have already come in the form of a new IRS provision.
    Spend the next month liquidating your assets, because everything that works to your benefit under capitalism works to your detriment under communism, and the Establishment is spiritualist, therefore communist.


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