
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Obama's Birth Certificate

Let's say that on October 12, 2011 it is proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Barry Soetoro AKA Barack Obama was not born in the U.S. and that his birth certificate is a total fake. (Not eligible to be the U.S. president.)

What then?

What is the punishment for such a thing?

What is it called?

Is it treason?



  1. ugh. Moral Dilemma.

    I'd say that even if his birth certificate is bake, but he does good for your country and (being the leader of a superpower) does good for the world in general, then maybe the means justifies the end.

    It would be a whole lot less treason than what previous US presidents have done :P

  2. Hell, I'm 99.9% SURE the damn thing is fake, simply because "RACE" says "African" and NOT "Negro".

    It was the 60's, for Christ Sakes !

  3. Smokey Cat - I'm afraid we see Obama in much different ways.
    I think one of the worst things that Obama has done is order drone attacks Pakistan. For example Kill one hundred Innocent civilians at a wedding just to get one suspected terrorist. I think he's the very worst president we have ever had.

    He was elected because he promised to stop our(U.S.) wars but he just started more.

    Heff - Great point, plus all the experts say it's fake.


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