
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Kira Ayn Varszegi

What do these works of art have in common?

Well, two things really...

34-year-old Kira Ayn Varszegi covers her breasts in paint and then presses them like brushes against her canvases.

(Some canvases have all the luck.)


  1. By the way, what kind of gal strikes a sexy pose in front of a Mario Bros. shower curtain?

  2. Travis- The kind that paints with her boobs?

    That said, third pic from the top is gorgeous! But the white blob in the middle on the left of that pic looks a little dirty to me... (yeah, don't give me a Rorschach test)

  3. Travis - I'm at a stage in life, where I'm trying to give back, so I would happily volunteer to help with the post painting clean up.

    WordVixen - OMG, I see what you're talking about. A little dirty?
    It's down right sick! ;)

  4. i think those pictures are as phoney as obama's birth certificate. her tits look too big and flabby to produce the fine images in those pictures.

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  6. Billy - She keeps her studio very cold.

    Ted - Yeah and just out of artistic curiosity, I'd really like to see the process.


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