
Thursday, September 08, 2011

Border Control: Drug Cartel Demands $30,000 to Let Football Team Cross

Kurt Nimmo
September 8, 2011

Violent drug cartels are now deciding who will cross the border and how much it will cost.

In March, Homeland Security boss Janet Napolitano declared security along the U.S-Mexican border “is better now than it ever has been." Napolitano boasted about Congress approving funds for two new unmanned aircraft systems, the erection of two new forward operating bases, 250 Customs and Border Protection port offices and 250 Immigration and Customs Enforcement investigators.

Despite Napolitano’s claim, violence along the border is out of control thanks to the brutal drug war between rival cartels (including those funded by banks) and the Mexican government. In fact, it is not a stretch to say the drug cartels control the border. The cartels regularly threaten U.S. police when they attempt to interdict drug shipments flooding across the border. In 2010, it was widely reported that parts of southern Arizona have been ceded to the cartels.

Now comes word that the cartels are deciding who will cross the border. The fact was underscored earlier this week when an Austin newspaper reported that a high school football game was cancelled after a Mexican team backed out. From the Statesman:

Round Rock ISD [a Texas school district] athletic director Jim Loerwald confirmed on Wednesday afternoon that Monterrey Tech has backed out of a game that was scheduled to be played on Thursday against Stony Point. According to Loerwald, Monterrey Tech, a football team from Mexico that played games at The Woodlands and Highland Park over the past two weeks, claimed that a cartel was demanding $30,000 in order to let Monterrey Tech cross and come back across the border.

Obama and Napolitano may claim the border is safe and getting better all the time, but this is simply pollyannish political posturing and propaganda.

The fact is violent drug cartels control the U.S. border with Mexico and are now deciding who will cross and how much it will cost to do so.

Instead of having U.S. troops halfway around the world guarding opium fields, we should have them down on the border lighting these guys up like there's no tomorrow.


  1. what if all the football players had ak-47's?

    i guess they'd get thrown in jail and the drug cartel guys would get some sort of compensation.

  2. Billy - I think what we have hear is the making of a new sport!

    Every member of each team is given an AK-47 with a 30 round clip. They have 5 minutes to kill each other off. The survivors play a regulation football game.

    And the name of this new game?


    A tradition is born.

  3. On second thought, 5 minutes is way to long, 1 minute is much better.


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