
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Texas Gov. Rick Perry describes himself as ‘a prophet’

Posted on 06.14.11
By Eric W. Dolan

Republican Governor Rick Perry of Texas responded “a prophet is generally not loved in their hometown” when Fox News’ Neil Cavuto questioned why he was more popular outside of his state than within it.

“That’s both Biblical and practical,” the third-term governor and chairman of the Republican Governors Association added.

Perry has not made his religious beliefs a secret. The potential Republican presidential candidate has recently received criticism for his plans to host a Christian prayer summit at Reliant Stadium in Houston.

Watch video, as clipped by ThinkProgress, below:

From 2007 - Rick Perry's Bilderberg Visit Violation Of Logan Act?

Is Texas Governor Rick Perry the Bilderberg GOP choice for 2012?

Bilderberg Behind Rick Perry 2012 Run


  1. all these guys seem to be in a race to see who can outpray the others.

    what do you do at a prayer summit?

    pray for the fucking thing to end?

  2. Billy - This guy is complete phony, God should smack him down when he prays.
    I hope the voters are smart enough to know that anyone the Bilderbergers
    want, is exactly who we don't want.


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