
Thursday, June 09, 2011

China calls for prompt ceasefire in Libya

News | 09.06.2011 | 00:04

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on Wednesday called for a prompt ceasefire in Libya and political means to solve the crisis in the north African country.

"It is a top priority for related parties to reach a ceasefire to avoid greater humanitarian disasters and solve the Libya crisis through political means including dialogue and negotiation," said Yang said while meeting with Abdul Ati Al-Obidi, special envoy of the Libyan government.

China opposes acts beyond the authorization of the UN Security Council and stands for respecting the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Libya and respecting the choice made by the Libyan people, Yang said.

China hopes the related parties in Libya will take to the basic interests of the country and the people and start the political process to solve the crisis at an early date to safeguard regional peace and stability, Yang said.

China supports the African Union's (AU) proposal and diplomatic mediation to solve the Libya crisis. China is willing to communicate with interested parties and work with the international community to solve the crisis through political means, he said.

Al-Obidi, who is also the Libyan Secretary for Foreign Liaisons and International Cooperation, expressed Libya's willingness to accept the AU road map and reach a ceasefire, adding that Libya hopes China can play a role and exert influence in this aspect.

Libya will adopt necessary measures to ensure the safety of Chinese nationals and properties in Libya, Al-Obidi said.

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