
Friday, May 20, 2011

Abbottabad Neighbor Claims Bin Laden Raid Was Botched

Helicopter explosion killed numerous people involved in operation, Bashir tells

Pakistani news channel
Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

According to a close neighbor who watched the alleged US raid on Osama Bin Laden’s compound from his rooftop, the operation was almost immediately aborted because of a helicopter crash that killed several people, eyewitness testimony that completely contradicts the official narrative put out by the White House.

Mohammad Bashir lives a stone’s throw away from the purported Bin Laden compound that was raided on May 1. In an astounding interview with Pakistani news channel Samaa TV, Bashir describes how he watched men land in the helicopter and enter the compound.

However, in contrast to the official story, Bashir then claims the helicopter exploded and killed the men as they were re-entering the chopper to leave.

Bashir said that the men who landed in the helicopter spoke Pashto, an Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

According to a translation of the comments that was posted on the Veterans Today website, Bashir told the interviewer, “There was a blast in the first helicopter and it was on fire, we immediately came out, when we reached there, the helicopter was burning, then after about 20 minutes the army and police arrived, they pushed us back, now we are asking that if Osama was here then who took him to America because all those men that came in the helicopter died in the blast, now if Osama was in that helicopter he must have died and got burnt in that helicopter too, then how they took him?”

“We saw the helicopter burning, we saw the dead bodies, then everything was removed and now there is nothing,” said Bashir.

Bashir said he saw numerous body parts of the men who had been blown up by the explosion.

US officials admitted that a Sikorsky UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter that was involved in the raid did crash into the walls of the compound, and wreckage of the chopper was shown. However, authorities denied that there were any casualties.

Bashir is by no means the only resident of Abbottabad to dispute the official narrative behind the Bin Laden raid. Indeed, you’d be hard pressed to find one that doesn’t.

In a BBC News report, Orla Guerin interviewed dozens of people who were adamant that Bin Laden did not live in the compound, with none of them ever witnessing him or hearing rumors that he was there in the five years that Obama claimed Bin Laden was a resident in the town.

“It’s all a fake, nothing happened,” said a newspaper seller who has been working in the town for 50 years.

Another resident told Guerin that the man seen in the video footage of Osama allegedly flicking between television channels is in fact his neighbor, not Bin Laden.

“His name is Akhbar Han, he owns the house they said was Osama’s house, I know him very well,” the man stated.

After speaking to “more than 50 people in the market,” Guerin found only one who believed that the man watching television was Bin Laden.

A separate CCTV News report also featured interviews with Abbottabad residents who swore that “Osama was never here,” and that a fable had been invented to help the US isolate Pakistan geopolitically.

The video of the interview with Mohammad Bashir appears below – the full translation can be read here.


  1. Interesting. I mean honestly I would not put anything past our government when it comes to lying to us but I surely hope that OBL is indeed dead and we did the job on that night.

  2. Mr. Shife - I think Bin Laden died in 2001, Bush was going to take credit for killing him, but needed an excuse to go to war in Afghanistan, so they pretended he was still alive.
    Witnesses to the raid on Osama said the helicopter blew up AFTER the mission.
    Dead men tell no tales. They can make up whatever they want to, no one to dispute it. Buried his body at sea, that's a laugh.

    Also, looks like Obama would have these heroes come to the Whitehouse and hand out medals. It would be great for his re-election efforts.


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