
Friday, April 15, 2011

For Your Consideration

I'm not sure what to think of this. I think the guy could make things a little clearer if he would just say it straight up. After 9/11 it is hard to know what is real and what is staged. As soon as I watched the news of the Tucson shootings, I remember thinking to myself "Arizona law enforcement must be very different than Oklahoma law enforcement." In Oklahoma the place would be crawling with cops, and the guy could get off two, maybe three rounds before he was dead. So to me, that kind of raised red flags. Anyway, like the title says, it's just here for you to consider. I think it's extra interesting that it took place in the state that Janet Napalitano was the governor and that she is now the head of Homeland Security.


  1. The Arizona shootings story has been laced with bullshit from the outset, due in large part to the fact the nutjob perp is a Khazar and related to top fULsob bureaucrats in the local police department, who knew of his whackjob tendencies, did nothing but make excuses, and - of course - "categorically deny all knowledge of this incident" now that all such fucking off has taken its toll.

  2. Ted - Now that the (mainstream) media is on the government payroll, via bailout money, they just can't be trusted. They use to be fairly good watch dogs, now they're just lap dogs.
    We have to look for truth in odd places. This guy could be onto something but he needs to spell it out better. It took me quite a while to catch on to all he was trying to say.


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