
Saturday, February 05, 2011

"What if they made a law but nobody obeyed?"

What if they made a law that said that "social services" could take anyone's children?

What if they came to take your children away?

What would you do?

Step back and say "Sorry children, it's the law, I love you, but it's the law, so there is nothing I can do."

(Personally, I think if you would let them take your child, then you are a spineless jellyfish that needs the crap kicked out of you, but that's just my opinion.)

What if they made a law that said they can come in your house and take all of your possessions, all of your food, cut off your water and electricity even though you pay your bills?

Would you say "Well, it's the law, there's nothing I can do."

How far would you have to be pushed before you say "I don't care if it's a law, I'm going to fight you with everything I've got, you're not doing this to me without paying a very high price?"

I'm just saying at some point "The Law" doesn't matter anymore.

At some point the people have to stand up for themselves and say "We outnumber you, and we don't have to take this crap anymore."

I hope everyone has a line in the sand.

Remember the old '60's line "What if they had a war but nobody came?"

I think our society is getting to the point that we had better start asking

"What if they made a law but nobody obeyed?"


  1. It's crucial for people to stand up in non-violent ways before things reach a boiling point. That's why appointing one day per month for everyone not to buy ANYTHING is so important. It's an effective way to bring the bankers to their knees.

  2. Diane - Sounds good to me. Do you know which day?

  3. This one is in the running.
    The good old USA is becoming too much like the NFL, with a useless rule for every occasion to benefit a tiny few at everyone's expense.
    Let's try Thoreau's "civil disobedience" in the belief and with the hope uncivil disobedience will not be necessary!

  4. i'm going to break a law later this evening. it doesn't cost very much and it lasts a long time. i love my illegal smiles.

    diane - adbusters sponsors buy nothing day on black friday. i think about 100 countries now take part.

  5. Ted - Yeah, I hope it never comes to that point but maybe people should decide what they will and will not take ahead of time.

    Billy - Just trying to have you some fun? Hot dog bun...

    I don't know how effective buy nothing days would be, but I'll sure do my part and give it a try.


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