
Monday, January 31, 2011

ObamaCare Ruled Unconstitutional - Again

Florida judge rules health care law unconstitutional

A federal judge has ruled that the health care reform bill signed into law by President Barack Obama in March is unconstitutional.

Judge Roger Vinson, a Reagan appointee serving in Pensacola, Florida, ruled that key components of the law are unconstitutional and that the entire law "must be declared void."

Today’s decision is the second ruling by a federal judge against the constitutionality of the health care legislation. Two other federal courts have upheld the constitutionality of the law, including its requirement that most Americans buy health insurance or pay a penalty.

While the lawsuit addressed in Vinson’s ruling is the largest of its kind – with 26 states having signed on – today’s decision is likely just one more step in the law’s march to the United States Supreme Court.

But this is the biggest court victory yet for opponents of the law's requirement that all Americans by health insurance.

1 comment:

  1. It’s a good thing Justice Vinson’s decision came out after the lame duck session was over. Otherwise, the Democrat majority could have gotten around his objection by making all healthcare a right that cannot be denied on the basis of race, sex, citizenship, or ability to pay.


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