
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Why the Feds Banned Four Loko (And is your favorite drink next?)


  1. my 21 year old granddaughter drank it so fast and hard that she would fall over and couldn't get up..would puke on herself and laugh ..not sure the joy in that..but wasn't sad to see it go..but ...but...she's also an alcholic at 21..she was one the first beer she drank..she has a serious drinking problem and only made worse by a drink 'that tasted so good' that she would drink it hard and fast..

  2. YDG - It's sad that some people aren't wise about what or how they drink.
    I don't think that means that I shouldn't be able to purchase it legally.
    I mean, using that same line of logic, some people are crappy drivers, so shouldn't cars be banned?

  3. YDG - I've noticed that our main disagreement is about freedom. I think people should be able to do what they want to as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. You seem to like it when the government steps in and limits our freedom. Like making a company stop making a legal product that the (some)people want.
    Should Red Bull be illegal because some people drink with it? What about caffeine pills? Should they be banned? How far up in our stuff should the government be? Remember it cost a lot of money for them to watch our every move and guide us through life.

  4. Seems to me we've been growing the Nanny/Mommy Dearest Schtaat since sufferage passed in 1920, and now we're brimming with do-gooder motherfuckers who want to control/bitch about our every thought, choice and action...
    There's a nice hot place they can all go for permanent vacation!

  5. Ted - The Nanny State is awfully expensive too. I wish people would realize how much money could be saved if we would just legalize freedom.

    YDG - I'm glad you cleared that up for me, we're not as far apart on that issue as I thought.

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