
Saturday, December 18, 2010

Goodbye Freedom of Speech - It's Been Nice

Well, it's been nearly a year since the sharp dressed man got the underwear bomber past security and onto the plane so that the naked body scanners could be put in airports so that Ex-Secretary of Homeland Security and co-author of the USA PATRIOT Act, Michael Chertoff
could line his pockets. Fear Pays: Chertoff, Ex-Security Officials Slammed For Cashing In On Government Experience

So, what have they got in store for us this holiday season?
I think they are probably pretty tired of the freedom of speech that we all enjoy on the internet.

BTW, did you know that some of the bailout money (139 billion) went to(GE) MSNBC, CNBC & NBC?
Let's all say it together


Anyhow, I think they need some sort of cyber attack. I saw them laying the psychological groundwork yesterday on the news. "Terrorist are planning a cyber attack coupled with a traditional attack, possibly in Washington D.C."
They ought to know, they're pulling the strings!
That means we may be near the end of being able to speak freely on the internet. So being good little Germans, I mean Americans, it's time to give up some more rights so that the big bad "terrorists" don't get us.


  1. Hyvää Joulua sinulle täältä Korvatunturilta. Näin blogin välityksellä on kiva tutustua muiden maiden kultuuriin ja ihmisiin. Tule sinäkin katsomaan Teuvon kuvat blogi ja kerro myös kaikille sinun kavereillesi miksi kannattaa käydä katsomassa Teuvon kuvat blogi. Samalla saadaan teidän maanne lippu nousemaan korkeammalle minun blogissa. Jouluterveisin Teuvo Vehkalahti Finland

  2. Teuvo Vehkalahti - Kiitos kommentoida. Toivottavasti sinulla on hauskaa joulua Suomessa.

  3. if they know that much, why don't they know enough to stop it?

  4. YDG - We're getting played. They need us on a control grid, they need to take our guns away, they need to take away anything that can make us non-dependent. They need to take away our right to grow food, they need to take away cash and move to a 666 cashless society. Then, after they've taken all that away, they can take our retirement savings and property and tax us as much as they want to. If we don't like it, too bad, we can't fight back.

  5. Crazy4coens - Sorry for the darkness.
    That's just what I think they're up to, I hope I'm wrong. But if people really LOOK at what is going on, it's hard to deny. Look for these signs:

    Shut down internet freedom of speech.

    Stronger gun control.

    Shutting down small farmers - arresting people for selling food directly to the citizens.
    Restrictions on growing your own food.

    Moving towards a cashless system.

    Domestic spying.

    I could go on all day, but you get the picture.

    Prove me wrong, please.

  6. Oh no, I can't prove you wrong. I agree - that's why it's depressing.


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