
Saturday, November 27, 2010

Staged Events Coming Your Way

By now, hopefully you have accepted that 9/11 was an inside job. It allowed the constitution crippling Patriot Act to pass and also gave a green light for our country to go to war. (wars)
By now, hopefully you know that "the underwear bomber" was stopped by security at the airport and wasn't going to be allowed to board the plane. He was only let on after "the well dressed man" (FBI, CIA, alphabet soup) got him through security. In other words, the whole underwear bombing was an inside job. They had the naked body scanners ready to roll out so they needed a "reason".

That's all in the past, let's look at the future.
It all depends on what TPTB (the powers that be) want. I don't know exactly what they want but judging by the past, they don't like the constitution, or at least the rights that it grants the American people, and they really dig war. It's a little difficult for the average person to think like an evil scumbag, that's were I come in.

The internet - Too much freedom of information, too many people telling the truth. They need a way to control it, like they control the corporate media. Wiki leaks maybe? "Top Secret" information is leaked, leading to the loss of lives of American military personnel? Or maybe they will just attack internet freedom through legislation somehow, like copyright infringement or find a way to make it very expensive.

I almost hate to mention this one, but I think it's in their playbook. Naked body scanners almost everywhere, like sporting events. How? Blow up a sporting event. In malls. How? Either blow one up or have "Gunmen" shoot a bunch of people. Having gunman would be extra nice for them because it could demonize guns and the empty-headed people would basically say "Guns are bad." much like the teacher on Southpark that says "Drugs are bad."
Scanners on the road.
TPTB might stop a huge terrorist truck full of guns and explosives using scanners on a highway. Guns and explosives that they provided to some dimwit that they were able to manipulate and provoke.

Well, my solitude has been destroyed by the morning light, later.


  1. Interesting concept. Not sure I buy it, though.

  2. Heff - I hope I'm wrong about the future stuff.

    YDG - The future stuff, I don't blame anyone for not buying that. But 9/11 was an inside job and if you look into it at all, the underwear bomber was also an inside job. The FBI had to change their story about 5 times because of witnesses and videos. I didn't even get into the fact that the former head of Homeland Security is heavily invested in the scanner company.
    "After the arrest of the underwear bomber last Christmas, Chertoff hit the airwaves and wrote an op-ed in The Washington Post advocating the full-body scanning systems without disclosing that Rapiscan Systems was a client of his firm. The aborted terror plot prompted the Transportation Security Agency to order 300 machines from Rapiscan. Yet last spring, the Government Accountability Office reported that, "It remains unclear whether [the scanners] would have been able to detect the weapon" used in the aborted bombing attempt."

  3. My. my, my, whatever are you talking about Tex? ;-) ;-) ;-)

  4. Crazy4 - Oh, just trying to predict what the real terrorist (U.S. Government) will do next and which of our (remaining) rights they will try to take away do to terrorists acts (which they will stage), that's all.


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