
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Report: 92% of Afghans don’t know about 9/11; 40% think US out to destroy Islam

Report: 92% of Afghans don’t know about 9/11; another 40% think the US is out to destroy Islam. According to a completely disturbing, though not entirely unexpected, report by a think tank, many Afghans are either totally ignorant of what 9/11 is, and another sizable part of their medieval-minded culture still thinks the US is only in Afghanistan to wipe out Islam and occupy their country. examiner

Seems a little foolish to go kick somebody's ass for something that they didn't do and don't even know about. Even if you believe the government's story, weren't most of the hijackers from Saudi Arabia?

Only 16% of the American people believe the government is telling the truth about 9/11.

According to the new New York Times/CBS News poll, only 16% of Americans think the government is telling the truth about 9/11 and the intelligence prior to the attacks:

"Do you think members of the Bush Administration are telling the truth, are mostly telling the truth but hiding something, or are they mostly lying?

Telling the truth 16%

Hiding something 53%

Mostly lying 28%

Not sure 3%"

So I guess you could say that this war is being fought for the most ignorant 16% of Americans against a country in which 92% of the population doesn't even know what they supposedly did wrong. I think I speak for most Americans when I say

"Let's get the hell out of Afghanistan!"


  1. what do you expect, they're all smoking hash and opium.

  2. Billy - It kind of feels like when you beat somebody up for something then you find out not only did they not do it, they didn't even know about it.
    "Sorry if we screwed up your country dude, but at least we increased your opium production!"


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