
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Reducing the Deficit - There ARE Other Options

I've noticed something on news shows lately. They seem to try to put people's thinking in a box. Like "How would you reduce the deficit?"
"By cutting social programs or raising taxes?"

I'd like to point out that there ARE other options.
We could stop our wars, really we could pull out and only fight defensive wars if we had to. We could even pull out of South Korea for that matter, it's not our job to be the policemen of the world. Another way to save a whole lot of money would be to END THE WAR ON Drugs. We could also end the war on prostitution and legalize and tax that profession. We could do away with all victimless crimes for adults. We could save a lot of money on prisons. If everyone that was in for a victimless crime was released, the prison population would be drastically cut.

So the next time you here the bought and paid for corporate media asking
"How would you reduce the deficit?"
"By cutting social programs or raising taxes?"
just remember there ARE other options!

Below is a link to the cost of our wars.


  1. I agree totally.

    In 2009 I reduced my personal deficit by THOUSANDS of dollars annually by switching from Michelob to Busch Light.

    It wasn't a PRETTY move, but very EFFECTIVE.

    I digress.

  2. Heff - I had to do the same thing, only more drastic.
    Switched from Michelob Ultra to Milwaukee's Best Light!
    Most folks know it as "The Beast".

  3. I don't know Granny, Tex has BAULLZ if he's drinking the Beast. I tried it once, but hell, I DO have SOME standards, lol.

  4. YDG - You didn't switch, you stopped all together, that's even worse!

    Heff - I use to have standards!
    But seriously, I drink so much beer that it's a stock tip when I switch brands. Buy Miller Brewing stock.


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