
Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Did "Dirty" Harry Reid Steal Nevada?

On Oct 26, 2010 polls had Angle ahead of Reid 49% to 45%. The county with the most voters in Nevada, Clark county just happens to be the one that had unusual things happening, like auto voting for a certain candidate. That candidate was none other than Harry Reid.



  1. oh wow..i love your new header...that's so beautiful..where did you get it?

  2. Maybe, through some magical spell, Nevadians came to their senses on poll day.

  3. I'll be honest here and say I'm ignorant in Nevada politics.
    LOve the header though.

  4. YDG - Thank you. I just search Google pics until I find something I like...then I steal it.

    Mr. C - Depends on your perspective. Seems like to me the days of being purely Dem or Rep should be over. (Turning a blind eye to the evils of one party doesn't get us anywhere.) I voted for Obama but quickly saw that I was conned, I don't think the liar McCain would have been any better though.
    A choice between Coke and Pepsi aint much of a choice. Let's get some un-cola up in here. Ron Paul for president 2012!

    Diane - Glad you like the header - I'm not going to lose any sleep over it, but I do think people need to point out apparent voting fraud, no matter which side is doing it. I know some people think the entire game is rigged, they might be right.


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