
Friday, October 08, 2010

Sarah Palin Takes A Big Step Toward 2012 Run for President

Former Alaska governor and 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin is raising new speculation in conservative circles that she is already preparing for a 2012 presidential bid. In the latest and clearest example of her plans, Palin met with some 50 national conservative leaders Wednesday in Palm Beach, Florida where she discussed economic and diplomatic policy and led some to declare that she's in the race.

"This was an indication that she's strongly considering running," said one insider. "She was very knowledgeable and gave intelligent answers, despite how she's been characterized," added the insider. "And she was extremely charming."


1 comment:

  1. Ted - I think she is the false face of the Tea Party Movement, not to be trusted. Ron Paul is who we need, I hope people realize that. But I don't know how people feel about someone who will bring real positive changes like ending the wars and bringing our troops home and possibly saving enough money to end the income tax.


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