
Friday, October 22, 2010

Democrats - Prepare to Get Spanked

I was thinking about the Democrats and the election. I was remembering their attitude when they passed Obamacare. I couldn't believe it, they didn't care what the voters wanted. They were like, we've got the power and there's nothing you can do about it.
Now the elections are right around the corner and they somehow seem blindsided by the voter backlash.
I guess I can kind of relate.

When I was about four years old I was in a church play, I was an angel, I think. While on stage it occurred to me that I was untouchable, I could do whatever I wanted to. So I looked right at my mom and stuck my tongue out at her repeatedly. Then the play was over and my mom took me out to the car, pulled down my pants and gave me a good spanking.

Democrats, prepare to get spanked.

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