
Friday, October 15, 2010

Car #6

1982 Ford Mustang GT

This was a great car, manual trans, rear wheel drive, very fun to drive.
I'd probably still have this one but I got a job about 70 miles away, so driving 140 miles a day in a 5.0 just wasn't going to cut it. I needed a car that would get good mileage, so I reluctantly sold it.


  1. oh that's a heart sure had some wonderful cars..I had 3 automobiles that I loved my red chevy truck, my blue 1976 cj-5 and my little mazda truk that if i fill it up and stay in town I can drive for 3 months on a tank of gas.
    your word verification is hemps

  2. YDG - hemps lol, it was beerho the other day.
    My next vehicle might be something like a cj-5 or cj-7 or at least something four wheel drive.3 months on a tank, that's freakin great.


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