
Thursday, September 30, 2010

Do You Support U.S. Drone Attacks in Pakistan?

In the year 2009 alone there were nearly twice as many drone strikes in Pakistan as the preceding 5 years all together.According to statistics released by the Pakistani government, There were 44 US drone attacks in 2009, of which only 5 hit their intended targets.708 people were killed by the attacks, and 90% of the casualties were determined to be Civilians.

These air strikes carried out by the Central Intelligence Agency and the United States Air Force account for enormous collateral damage.Yet, not even half way through 2010 we have already had 3/4 of the amount in 2009.The Department of Defense is asking for a 75% increase in its 2011 budget for funding more UAV strikes.

Between June 18, 2004 and January 1, 2009 there were 25 confirmed US drone strikes on Pakistani soil, under President George W. Bush. January 23, 2009 through May 11, 2010 there were 76 confirmed strikes, under President Barack Obama. President Obama has permitted 3 times as many strikes in his one and a half year tenure as the previous president in 8 years. Despite his campaigning as an anti-war candidate, our new president has failed to end these illegal strikes in Pakistan, and has actually vastly increased their number.

No war was ever declared on Pakistan, and Pakistan to this day is considered to be a valuable US ally in the middle east. The American people through their elected representatives have never voted to go to war with Pakistan.The last two administrations believe they have the authority to go to war anywhere they want without the authorization of the US congress and believe they can disobey the United States Constitution.

The Global War on Terror presents them with a perpetual war, much like the war in George Orwell's '1984'.There is no clearly defined enemy, there are no clearly defined goals, and there is no end in sight.


  1. George Orwell pretty much nailed it. The Pakistan stuff makes the news. I can only imagine what we don't even hear about. By the way I like the new look. I think I need a beer.

  2. Mr. Shife - Glad you like the beer lids, makes me want to brew some. Yeah, Orwell knew what was going to happen.
    It bugs me when politicians talk about deficit reduction but never bring up how much the wars cost. Maybe we should just use our military for defending our country, that would save a lot of money and a lot of civilian lives.

  3. i remember when drones were little planes that were just used for intelligence gathering. true to form, they've morphed into killing machines.

  4. Billy - I do too, I guess it was predicable.


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