
Monday, September 20, 2010

British Government to Seize All Paychecks

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
September 20, 2010

Forget big government – the same elite whose policies caused the financial collapse are now ready to launch the next phase of their fascist takeover of the economy – by forcing businesses to send employee paychecks straight to the government, who would then deduct the “appropriate tax” before the employee receives their wage, as the statist cancer of collectivism grows.

The proposal represents another hammer blow to financial privacy, as the establishment moves towards a total cashless society where every transaction is tracked, traced and controlled by the authorities.infowars

They gave up their guns and now they are slaves. Don't let it happen here in the U.S. I know it sounds a little dramatic, but these people can't defend themselves or loved ones even in their own homes. Now, if this goes through, they won't even get their money until the government is finished with it.
"Please may I arm myself to protect my family?" No!
"Please, may I have the money that I earned?"
We'll give you some of it when we are good and ready!
Don't like it?
What you gonna do about it?
That's what we thought, nothing, you can't, you're helpless.
Bet you wish you had a gun right about now.


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