
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Pay me a Carbon Tax

Why pay a carbon tax that will not help reduce pollution but will instead be used to form an oppressive global governmental?
One refinery alone, CITGO East, dumped 73,251 lbs. of sulfur dioxide on the community from upsets alone in one year, January 31, 2003 – January 31, 2004, (upsets are events that can release huge amounts of pollution in a short period of time. This does not include the tremendous amount of sulfur and other emissions released daily in order for the plant to operate).

Pay me the carbon taxes and I will use the money to actually reduce real pollution like sulfur dioxide not some silly rip off like cap and trade. (You can pollute all you want as long as you pay someone who isn't and making the consumer pay for the pollution of the producers.) I'll see to it that millions of trees are planted. Trees get rid of CO2 and produce O2. I won't use the money to try to break up nations and bring them into a global government. If there is enough money I will use it to restore constitutional rights to the people of the United States. I'll seal the border with Mexico using private contractors like Black Water. Any remaining money will be spent in an attempt to end the war on drugs. 
Thank you for your consideration.


  1. i think it's all a big plot to get us to embrace nuclear power. either way, we're screwed.

  2. WTF's the matter with nuclear power? Europe and Canada have been running on it for years, and they're not exactly glowing in the dark.
    The dirty little secret only a few news outlets let slip when this was being bandied about before, is AlGump gets phat jack from this "Cap & Trade" scam!
    As if the Washington parasites aren't enough, now a majority of these cocksuckers want VeldtSchtaat, too!
    Thomas Jefferson wept.

  3. Billy - I think you're right about it all being a big plot.

    Ted - Big Al was on top of the world there for a while, everyone believed the global warming lie and he was set to make big bucks off of the tax payers. Now Tipper has left him and the massage therapists are starting to come forward, three so far.

  4. General Public - I know this post is kind of stupid but if a guy with five extra minutes on his hands can come up with a more sensible way to spend a carbon tax than the entire administration, just think how much better the money could be used if real thought was put into it.


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