
Sunday, July 25, 2010

Green Acres Oklahoma

It was probably 1978, my girlfriend and I were over at the house of one of her friends. I don't remember a whole lot about that evening but one part of it certainly sticks out in my mind. We were sitting on a beanbag chair, things were nice and I thought to myself "I wish we could live here someday." Many years went by, we were married and had two kids. We were living in that same town that we were in in 1978. Yep, you guessed it, the house goes up for sale, we buy it. We've been living here for about 15 years now, the kids are basically grown and on there own. We decided to sell this house and buy one in the country. I feel kind of guilty selling it, I made my wish, I got my wish. Maybe someone else needs to come over and make the same wish that I did back in '78. Anyway this post was kind of pointless, just a glimpse into my life. The house that we bought in the country is a real fixer upper (all we could afford) but it's in a nice spot. Sometimes I feel like the guy on green acres.


  1. wow..that's cool...i think your first wish for came true so you could have the house in the country.
    we need pictures..

  2. Thanks Steve, be careful who you invite.

    YDG - My brother-in-law took a picture of our back porch because there's a toilet sitting out there while the plumbing is being worked on.


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