
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rand Paul "...please bring President Obama to Kentucky."

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  1. i might like his daddy, but i sure dont like this guy..he's batshit crazy.

    are you ok...? sooner said one when between his town and yours..let me know..

  2. YDG - Why don't you like him? I think he's just like Ron Paul, isn't he? What is crazy about him?

    I'm fine, no damage here.

  3. I just hope there's an America left to govern by November. The "shady back-room" deal room hosted a dinner with the president of Mexico, during which Obama was doubtlessly guilt-tripped for more handouts, and if the environ-MENTAL ILLNESS bill passes, kiss your internet goodbye.

  4. if he's like his daddy then his daddy has been hiding his white sheet.


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