
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Obama Administration Proposes Rolling Back Fifth and Sixth Amendments

The New York Times
May 15, 2010

Obama and his attorney general Eric Holder.

Editor’s note: Not even Obama’s predecessor suggested such draconian measures. Obama wants a modification that strikes at ideas established in the Magna Carta of 1215 and British common law — due process and a right to a speedy trial.

President Obama’s legal advisers are considering asking Congress to allow the government to detain terrorism suspects longer after their arrests before presenting them to a judge for an initial hearing, according to administration officials familiar with the discussions.
Keep in mind "terrorism suspect" means YOU if the government so decides.

Anthony Romero, the executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, stated
“It’s highly troubling that the Obama administration might propose to lengthen the time in which a potential defendant would come before a judge,” Mr. Romero said. “Both proposals would severely undercut the Obama administration’s assertion that they believe in the rule of law.”


  1. Once all this bullshit's passed, all they have to do is stage another false flag close to an area where they've determined the most wealthy WASPs live, throw them all in "detention (slave-labor) camps" and split the profits with the Vatican, since that's who is really running our increasingly sock-puppet government and leader.
    Inquisition 2.0 - I've known about it being in the works since 1984 *snickers*, and now they have all the excuses and cop-outs in place to start it.
    Put your largely-Papist police bureaucrats in charge of deputized illegals and other "poor oppressed victims of society", and PRESTO: "Citizens' National Security Force".
    They're not worried about "terrorists", they know the excessive taxation they're trying to inflict on U.S. is going to start an insurrection, and they need an excuse to round up the WASPs!

  2. When you boil it all down, sounds like they want more time to torture suspects into a confession before they get to see a judge.


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