
Saturday, May 08, 2010

Marijuana by the Numbers

If legal, marijuana would be a $40-billion-a-year industry in the U.S.

Though not nearly as popular as alcohol or tobacco, marijuana has become part of the nation's social fabric. Some 30 million Americans consume cannabis in the average year.

Decriminalized in 11 states and legal for medical purposes in 14, marijuana is no longer considered an enemy of the people in many quarters.

Source: Federal and state agencies.

Largest Potential Fine (For Possession)

Getting caught with marijuana in Okalahoma could be costly. The fine for possession can be as much as $10,000, the highest in the country. Florida and Louisiana also have relatively tough laws.

Smallest Potential Fine (For Possession)

Alaska and Georgia have the most lenient penalties on marijuana. Neither imposes a fine. Fines in California, New York, Oregon and New Mexico are also relatively light, ranging between $0-$100.

Photo: Richard Cummins|Lonely Planet Images|Getty Images



  1. of course it should be legal..but will it ever be?...we can only hope

  2. i guess sarah palin didn't have time to fix the alaska marijuana laws before she set out to make her fortune.


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