
Monday, May 17, 2010

I will Fear No Evil My Glock and Ammo Comfort Me

I've often thought about how different it would be to be a person that doesn't have a gun. I think I feel about it kind of like Ben Franklin did when he said something like "Prepare for the worst and if the worst doesn't happen, be pleasantly surprised." Before I go to bed at night, I might not say my prayers, but I say "Okay, Glock, you will be helping guard the house tonight, you have 15 rounds and I'll try not to waste a single one." I mean, if I hear the sound of a door getting kicked in or someone breaking in, I know just what to do and I don't have to be scared. I was raised in the same kind of household, and I appreciated it. We lived way out in the country and I knew that calling the cops was a freakin joke, I mean they would eventually get there but no time soon. People without guns must be gutsy indeed. What's their plan? Call the police after someone kicks in their door? Wait fifteen minutes for them to arrive? Count on the kindness of strangers (namely the guys that kicked in your door)? Hit them with a bat? Stab them with a knife? What about their kids? I knew when I was a kid and my kids knew, that they had an armed bodyguard that was going to protect them.
I wouldn't want to be a kid of someone that didn't believe in guns. "Someone's breaking in!" "Will daddy shoot them?" (No daddy will call 911 and hope for the best.) (You see, somewhere along the way, your father was convinced that guns were bad.) (If he survives the beating that you can here him getting right now, and is still physically able to use a gun, he might reconsider his anti-gun stance or he might just say "See, I told you guns were bad!") I don't know if people without guns just don't want to face reality or if they're just very brave, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and call them brave.


  1. but what if the guy breaking in has a bigger gun?

  2. billy, shoot him FIRST then check for guns after makin' sure the sonofabitch is dead...Say ya ain't got a gun?
    Oops, too bad.
    Guess you'll just have to hope Pedro & Co. only beat the fuck out of you, instead of killing you.

    An excellent post, tex.
    It's truly frightening the level of naivete to which the sheeple have been reduced. I hope they keep feeeeeeling "only the police should have guns" while a SWAT goon is pistol-whipping them senseless or shooting them.

  3. i lived in a house with a man that owned multiple guns..i shot him with one of them.

  4. Billy - Most shots miss in a gun fight, if his gun is a bigger caliber, it most likely holds less bullets. Home court advantage and more shots should play to my advantage. With that and the make my day law, I should come out smelling like a rose...heavy on the SHOULD.

    Ted - Thanks, I hope most people, no matter how they feel personally, would at least let me keep my right to protect my family and myself.

    YDG - That's why I'm always a little confused about your gun control stance, but most things that I find confusing about you can be traced back to your unbelievable loyalty to the Democratic party. Take Obama for instance, 95% of what he does is just a continuance of Bush, and you hated him but you like Obama, I don't get it.

  5. i have 2 guns, 2 ninjas, 1 pitbull and 2 alarm systems.

    all i need is a good hebe lawyer to defend me when i pull the trigger.

  6. Billy - You should be fairly safe then. Is the second alarm system to keep people from stealing the first alarm system? Good thinking, you should sell that idea to Brinks home security. I would get a ninja but my state has very strict ninja control laws.


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