
Friday, May 07, 2010

Government Admits They Deal Heroin Yet Terrorize Families for Pot

Alex Jones & Aaron Dykes
May 7, 2010

Alex Jones puts into perspective the radical behavior of SWAT teams and other government enforcement agencies– who recently raided and terrorized a family and killed two dogs in order to bust a man for one gram of marijuana.

At the same time, the CIA and other agencies of government have admittedly carried out narcotrafficking operations for decades. This is especially true in Afghanistan, where troops guard opium crops, and the fight against the Taliban and al qaeda is mired in drug trafficking.


  1. the government started it back in nam with the golden triangle..and never stopped..

  2. YDG - Yep, makes you wonder who the REAL enemy is. Well, not so much wonder as know, but wonder what to do about it.

  3. pogo was right we have met the enemy and he is us..


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