
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

World Trade Center Building 7 Falls to Ground for no Apparent Reason

I shouldn't be so harsh on people that believe the government's account of events that happened on 9/11. After all, I believed it at first. I was trying to think like someone who still believes. Just think what the headlines would have been that day if the planes didn't hit the towers.

"World Trade Center Building 7 Falls to Ground for no Apparent Reason"

Wow, that building just fell down!"

Then someone says "That building didn't just fall down!"

"It was already wired for demolition, because that takes at least a couple of weeks!"

"It was blown up on purpose!"

Then the media & government says "It just fell down."

"Anyone that says different is a conspiracy nut."

So, take away the planes on that day, and this is what happened.

The "conspiracy nut" is the only one with a sane theory.

The media & government says "It just fell down."

How can anybody believe it just fell down?

If you believe that it just fell down, please explain it to me.


  1. the bad guys just huffed and puffed and blew it down..????

  2. YDG - I guess.
    Did you see them destroy the old Cowboys stadium? I can't figure out why they didn't just pour jet fuel on it and light it and let it just collapse like the twin towers. Oh, maybe it's because jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel.

  3. After watching "loose Change 2" I am convinced the whole goddamned thing was a false flag operation.
    All so some OMFR Khazakh could pocket millions in insurance money and the Papists could have their money-war in the middle east. As it was with "global warming", as it was with 9-11 and as it now is with the DEATHcare bill & "Cap & Tax", follow the money trail: Find out who stands to benefit, and you've usually found the kingpin, or bare-minimum, a key player.


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