
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Tulsa Burglar


  1. This just raises too many questions,like, how did they get the ladder in there in the first place? But I must say, the news anchor is a dish. Beats hell out of the skinny blondes on our locals.

  2. I guess he picked the wrong week to quit drinking.

  3. Mr. Charleston - You have a keen eye for the ladies! I don't know the whole story about this bumbling burglar.

    YDG - Yep, trying to get back out.

    Ted - So nhit!

    Mr. Shife - He should have tried to find some smart pills while he was in the pharmacy.
    "Looks like I picked a bad day to stop sniffing glue."
    "Tell me Mr. Shife, do you like movies about gladiators?"


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