
Friday, April 02, 2010

Tender Teddies Tasering Ten Year Old

Police were called to the Tender Teddies Daycare in Martinsville, Indiana to slap and taser a 10 year old boy.
No statement from the officers was available but it might have gone something like this: "He was big and scary, we were in fear for our lives."
"He was being naughty kicking, fighting, and swearing, we started to shoot him with our real guns but then remembered our cool new toy, the taser!"
"Besides, it's always nice to have a few days off with pay, thanks tax payers!"


  1. i thought our cops were bad for tasing people caught riding public transit without a ticket but these guys have set a new standard.

    or was this an april fools joke?

  2. Just when you think you have seen and heard it all something else pops up that just blows you away. Those cops deserve some serious punishment. Have a good weekend.


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