
Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Who Has Nukes?

Britain, China, France, India, Pakistan, Russia, United States, North Korea and Israel.

Notice that Iran didn't make the list?

Notice that North Korea, does have nuclear weapons?

North Korea, ruled by a mad man has nuclear weapons and our country doesn't seem too concerned.
Pakistan and India have them, not the most stable places on Earth.

Possibly one of the most dangerous countries to have nukes is Israel, the country I would vote for in a "Who's most likely to start World War Three" contest.

But through half truths, lies and propaganda, the average American is worried about Iran, a country that doesn't even have the capacity to make nuclear weapons.

Why does the American news media hype up the threat of Iran when there are clearly other countries that pose a much greater threat?

If you were expecting an answer here, sorry, I don't have it for you.

I'd like to here what you guys think, even if you think my analysis is wrong, that's ok, I'm just trying to figure this out.


  1. I believe the Faux News Channel is driving this buggy...they are prepping us for another arbitrary war...we have them in a pitcher maneuver/position now...the only reason we are in Iraq and Afghanistan is in order to outflank and quickly invade Iran....finally getting even for embassy/hostage affair...hey, I'm all for it as long as they re institute the draft 1st, so the lazy/prissy frat and politicians boys get to play as well.

  2. Please revisit "the New American Century" 1996, written by Jeb Bush, "Dick" ( sill makes me giggle ) Cheney, Don Rimsfeld, Mike Chertoff...primarily
    ( they've changed the format from 4-5 yrs. ago when I FWD it to JS aka Yellow...the statement of principles was much more clear...basically it is about the forceable democratization of the world with everyones kids and $$ except theirs (the politicians).I'd like for all to be self-governed and all but damnit! some of these stone-aged idiots have to or require a strong hand on them at all times...middle eastern nations ( although good in math etc. ) are ignorant. And it is a shame, they are resposible for bringing Europe out of the Dark Ages, with math and the sciences. Unfortunately, the personal ignorances and the religious bigotry en masse have left them right where we were. That is why they are so pissed off. Knowledge has passed them by so they want a do over...but it won't help if you have to continually sniff another guys butt repeatedly..

  3. canada may not have an atomic bomb but we have an atomic clock and our prime minister is rumored to have an atomic penis.

    that's how he's able to screw the poor everyday.

  4. None of the other countries have oil. Lest we forget, we, the good ole U.S. of A. are still the only country on earth to have ever used a nuclear weapon.

  5. I think I did a post on this once and all the countrys that had what amount of other weapons too...
    billy's comment made me laugh..

  6. LWW - I just wish we'd leave Iran alone, but I think we should leave everyone alone. Yeah, I noticed our military presence over there looks like a Risk game with troops all around Iran. I think most of those people just want to live their lives, work and raise their children in peace. They probably won't get to very much longer.

    Anon - I think we should just let them be ignorant and leave them alone but I'm not getting rich from war either. I know that peace can be very bad for some peoples bank accounts.

    Mr. Charleston - You're right on both counts.
    It's really sad to think that there is probably suppressed technology out there that would make oil virtually worthless.

  7. Billy - I think your prime minister should get together with Hillary, I don't know why, it just seems like she'd enjoy an atomic penis.

    YDG - Well if he's anything like you, I'm sure we'll get along just fine.


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