
Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Way I See It

The easiest way to spot a Tea Party fraud, in my opinion, is the persons stand on two main issues: 9/11 and war. They pretend to believe that the governments account of what happened is true and war, they're all for it.
Glenn Beck is a Tea Party fraud.

Palin is another Tea Party fraud.

I think that there should be a REAL investigation into 9/11. Six of the 10 members of the 9/11 commission say that their investigation was a complete whitewash. I think the U.S. should only defend the U.S. We should tell Israel "It's been fun but now you are on your own." "Start all the wars you want, we are out of it." We should leave Iran TF alone and let them have nuclear weapons if they want them, frankly it's none of our business. We have them. I have a gun. Should I try to prevent everyone one my block from getting one? Boy, that makes me pretty special huh? We need to leave the internet TF alone too. We need to stick to the constitution and our constitutional rights. It's really PF simple.


  1. That's right on!
    Glenn Beck's in bed with Bill O'Reilly, which tells you he's on board with the neo-conartists, and Sarah Palin is just another sock puppet, like the fucker we got now and Dubya was. The GOP has not learned its lesson and returned to its roots: The globalists/internationalists are still in charge. Palin - like McCompromise or John sKerry - is the candidate a party runs if it wants to lose.
    The best we can hope for is gridlock. The founding fathers designed the system to impede the progress of tyrants. In the dinked-with, FUBAR condition its been reduced to, we can only hope it still works!

  2. Ted - I was expecting nothing but grief over this post. I'm glad you see thing pretty much as I do. Ain't it sad when gridlock is the best we can hope for?

  3. did you see where medina mentioned she thought the government might have played a part in 9/11 and then when everyone freaked out she recanted?...

  4. YDG - No, I didn't. Seems like it's a taboo subject for many people. They need to grow up and face reality. It seems so odd to me, I think most people would quickly say that they wouldn't put anything past Bush and Cheney but they want to turn a blind eye towards them when it comes to 9/11. (Tex on a different computer.)

  5. YDG - No, I didn't. Seems like it's a taboo subject for many people. They need to grow up and face reality. It seems so odd to me, I think most people would quickly say that they wouldn't put anything past Bush and Cheney but they want to turn a blind eye towards them when it comes to 9/11.


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