
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Majority of Americans think Iran has The Bomb

(Newsweek) The U.S. intelligence community is reporting to the White House that Iran has not restarted its nuclear-weapons development program, two counterproliferation officials tell NEWSWEEK. U.S. agencies had previously said that Tehran halted the program in 2003.
WMD world map
Image via Wikipedia

A whopping 71 percent of Americans believe that Iran currently has nuclear weapons, according to a recent CNN/Opinion Research Corporation survey.

More than six in ten think the U.S. should take economic and diplomatic efforts to get Iran to shut down their nuclear program, with only a quarter calling for immediate military action.

I like this part: “with only a quarter calling for immediate military action.” I probably would have written something like, “HOLY SHIT! DID YOU HEAR 25 PERCENT OF THE COUNTRY WANTS TO BOMB IRAN RIGHT NOW??” But whatever. Blasé works too, I guess.

In reality, Iran doesn’t have The Bomb. They have a small amount of refined uranium (19.5%, cutely rounded up to 20% by NRO’s Mark Steyn), which is allowed under the treaty that they have signed. This is the refinement level for use in medical facilities and supplying electricity. There is little evidence they’re working on a nuclear warhead, which would require a much higher level of refinement, and the so-called evidence that exists is highly speculative. Additionally, their supreme leader/commander-in-chief continues to decry nukes as illegal in Islamic law.



  1. Things are going to change in a big way, soon I think.
    We can't keep this war stuff going on indefinitely, we're broke! Now they're wanting another one? Man, whatever happened to sanity?

  2. the country may be going broke on the wars..but big business is cashing in..bastids

  3. YDG - Yep, same ol' song, different day, different lives.


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