
Thursday, January 07, 2010

A Very Special Time Indeed

We heard about two new studies that found that mercury could actually be good for your baby's brain.(Yes a heavy metal that's good for the brain.) Now, a new study out of Florida claims that radiation given off by your cell phone can not only prevent Alzheimer's but can cure it.

This is a special time we live in, the biggest war monger on the planet gets a peace prize, global cooling is global warming, mercury is good for you and cell phone radiation no longer causes brain tumors, it cures Alzheimer's.

So in addition to adding mercury to my diet, I now have seven cell phones strapped to my head, yes, this is a very special time indeed.


  1. Too many plebes...They have to, what's that fave expression they're always spouting "reduce the surplus population", so out rolls the propaganda...I mean "research/studies/news/facts" that say sucking on lead shot improves colon function and prevents prostate cancer...HA!
    I quit listening to these hucksters after the third time they contradicted themselves on the environment:
    My "research" indicates that "professional" looking talking heads will spew whatever dreck you want if you wave a phat enough wad of cash under their nose!

  2. I agree with your research. The local stations love to use the term "Experts say..." It always makes me think "Oh, so their are no experts on the other side of the issue?"
    Like the 30,000 experts suing Al Gore, but they don't mention that.


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