
Saturday, January 30, 2010

Vancouver 2010 Next 9/11?

Man, you guys should read this one, this guy is really connecting some dots.Follow this link Infowars
to the original article, my post is only part of it.

January 29, 2010

WARNING: I now believe I have reasonable grounds to suspect there may be a “false flag” attack carried out during the Olympics in Canada. The games will take place in Vancouver and Whistler from Feb. 12th until Feb. 28th. Below, I have compiled the following suspicious activity by searching and analyzing the news from various media sources and by speaking with citizens in Canada themselves.

Two tons out of 6,000 tons of Ammonium Nitrate, (a material used in making powerful explosives) have gone missing from a shipment to a storage facility in the Vancouver area from a company that was recently bought out for $22 billion by some of the world’s largest financial companies.
 To put this into perspective, it is claimed that only one ton of this material was used during the Oklahoma City bombing, and now two tons are missing.

The media is suddenly going wild about how Al-Qaeda terrorists in Afghanistan are now using Ammonium Nitrate for explosives and the Afghani government has banned the use of the material. Afghanistan has also banned the use of Ammonium Nitrate for fertilizer due to this problem.

Right on cue, as if it were a screenplay, and four days before the State of the Union address, the guy you have all heard of since 9/11, haven’t seen in a long time and who is probably dead, Mr. Usama Bin Laden ladies and gentlemen, give him a round of applause! He just came out in what is probably going to turn out to be yet another faked video and predictably praised the underwear bomber that burned his genitals in a failed bombing attempt on Christmas Day of 2009 and said the attacks will continue until we stop supporting Israel

In a recent development Canadian parliament has been prorogued (A term where they are suspended typically in order to make new legislation and where all governmental power resides within the office of the Prime Minister.) until March 3rd (Remember that date.) after the games. The Prime Minister has also been given the sole responsibility for making the judgment call to shoot down any high jacked aircraft; normally this is not his responsibility.
This is strangely the same as before 9/11 where Dick Cheney was given control of the military air defenses for a short time due to war games being conducted, and he denied the request to shoot down the plane approaching the Pentagon. This was testified to by Transportation Secretary, Norman Mineta in front of the 9/11 Commission, though no mention of this was given in the final report you can still watch the video of his testimony.

On February 14th, 2008, Canada and the US signed an agreement which allows for the deployment of US troops inside Canada.Headline: New maritime security law will deputize U.S. officers “in every part of Canada” during integrated operations. (North American Union anyone?)

Hospitals cancelled 2,400 elective surgeries to make room for apparently, much expected patients needing surgeries during the Olympics.
It seems that people may be getting tipped off or have prior knowledge already! What are they afraid of if the largest joint security operation ever taken on by Canada and the US is there to protect them? “Obama is not alone; presidents and prime minister of other countries around the globe are sending representatives as well.”

Another strange thing someone noticed is that we have a Hollywood movie (2012) placed in the year 2012, (a movie about the destruction of the world and the elite leaving behind the masses in protective bunkers only to save themselves) mentioning British Columbia 2010. Why was that put in there?

Also, I want to point out something a bit strange. Notice the pattern of doubled odd numbers with each of the three previous false flag terrorism events; 3/11 in Madrid, 9/11 in New York, 7/7 in London, and possibly 3/3 in Vancouver. Could another false flag fall on March 3rd?

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