
Thursday, December 03, 2009

Rep. Miller Calls For Climategate Investigation

Representative Candice Miller has called for a Congressional investigation into the climategate scandal, saying that the deliberate destruction of data by scientists intimately involved in the UN IPCC in order to avoid FOIA requests was a “criminal act” and blows away the whole foundation for the cap and trade legislation.infowars


  1. I can't comment on the veracity of the data destruction, etc. but for sure the oil and coal people are against anything that may cut their profits, at the expense of the earth and the rest of us. It's time to bury those dinosaurs and move on.

  2. I think they should tax oil and coal producers for the toxic gases that they release. I don't think anyone should be taxed for Co2 (what plants breath in to make oxygen). The whole global warming thing is a complete fraud, meant to tax the US into if not third world, at least second world status and fund global government.


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