
Monday, December 21, 2009

Mercury is GOOD for Your Children

"So you're saying, if I want my kids to be extra smart, I should feed them Tuna for every meal?"
"If I break open an old thermostat, I should get my kids to drink that quicksilver that's in there?"
"Well ok, since I seen it on the TV and it was two studies."
"Their teachers are gonna wonder how they got so dang smart!"
"I think maybe they should add it to the water, like fluoride!"


Sources of mercury. Mercury is an element in the earth's crust. Humans cannot create or destroy mercury. Pure mercury is a liquid metal, sometimes referred to as quicksilver that volatilizes readily. It has traditionally been used to make products like thermometers, switches, and some light bulbs.

Health effects of mercury. Mercury exposure at high levels can harm the brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, and immune system of people of all ages. Research shows that most people's fish consumption does not cause a health concern. However, it has been demonstrated that high levels of methylmercury in the bloodstream of unborn babies and young children may harm the developing nervous system, making the child less able to think and learn.


  1. If it was on television, it must be true. From now on it's big game fish for me.

  2. shih huang ti, pne of the baddest terracotta warriors loved mercury.

    he had a river of it under his death chamber.

    i'd like to know sarah palin's view on mercury before i give up tuna.

  3. Mr. Charleston - Back in the old days network news was pretty good, now they say what the highest bidder wants them to say. Yep, nothin but tuna for me.

    Billy - Maybe Sarah Palin will reveal her views on mercury in up coming book
    "That's not me you're smelling, it's the Tuna!"

  4. I was conceived in SLC Utah, but grew up, more or less, in Northern Idaho in a mining town where there was that stuff all over the place and the river ran gray. We used to play with it.

    Did it/skip/did it/skip/ did it/skip, did it harm me? I don't know. I do know that at 13 I already had an IQ of 114. Not that I put a hell of a lot of stock in an IQ being as I've talked to Mensa members standing in soup kitchen lines.

    Anyway, anyone that wants their kids to be extra smart should just accept that it's all a crap shoot.

    Schooling isn't where smarts come from, life is where smarts come from, I didn't start getting a real education until I was done with schooling, it just taught me the basics and how to drool over girls in class rooms.

    The damn thing blew up, orange guts everywhere! Smells good though.

    Ha ha ha, live and learn, it will go on until you die if you are paying attention.

    Interesting to blow up a CD disk in a nuker, if you do it right. Well, make a little interesting light show for a few seconds anyway.

  5. I guess I will have to cross this off Baby Shife's Christmas wish list.

  6. bbc's note made me sure that mercury is very bad for you..

  7. C-4 - Mercury is also the company that the mercury girl, Jill Wagner works for.

    BBC - I'll have to try the CD thing.

    Mr.Shife - No lead paint, no mercury what's next? Shopping for infants is hard enough as it is!

    YDG - [Smiling cause I think I caught your drift.]

    Ted - I just pity the fools that believe the news.


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