
Wednesday, December 09, 2009

John Lennon On the Myth of Overpopulation

The entire population of the world could fit into the state of Texas with about 1000 square feet per person, leaving the entire rest of the world empty.


  1. Billy - If you're not a lawyer, you should be.

  2. Yes, you could fit the entire population of the world into Texas. Everything would be fine until someone says, "I'm hungry." Oops. Guess we need to move a few million out to man some farms.

    Everything is find then until some farmer has the nerve to complain that he doesn't have a tractor. Oops, I guess we need to move more people out of Texas to man tractor factories and factories to produce everything else that those left behind in Texas use.

    Then everything is fine until the farmers complain that they need fuel for the tractors. Oops. I guess we need to move more people out of Texas to build and man refineries and to run oil fields around the world.

    Do you see how stupid this Texas thing is?

  3. Pete - It's not saying that everyone should move to Texas. It is to illustrate how many people are really on Earth. Not near as many as some would lead one to believe.

  4. "we have enough assholes in texas without more moving in"
    *ROFPMPLMMFAO!* Ain't that the truth!

    Overpopulation, AGW/CC, nuclear holocaust, big fuckin' rocks fallin' out of the sky...
    It all makes great movies, but as public policy, it sucks: Just another collectivist religious bullshit story to get a hand in your pocket like those TV preachers back in the '80s. Since you ain't makin' the money, why buy it!?

    As for 2012, I'm all set to go any way it breaks. It'd be nice to see the world check out before the fkn politicians and their owners could finish destroyin' it, just to give them the finger!


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