
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Himalayan Glaciers Not Melting

Doug L. Hoffman
The Resilient Earth

December 10, 2009

According to a flurry of recent reports by the BBC and other mass media, the glaciers in the Himalayan mountains are melting at a furious pace. Of course this is taken as proof that climate change is still taking place at an ever accelerating rate, despite the fact the global temperatures have remained flat for the past decade. What, then, explains the rapidly retreating Himalayan glaciers? Nothing, because the glaciers are not shrinking. A new report by a senior Indian glaciologist states that the glaciers remain frozen and quite intact, thank you.not melting


  1. but if you look at the top of kilmanjaro there almost no snow..and it has always had snow

  2. Climate change goes on all the time. Back when I was in school and they still taught usable knowledge instead of propaganda, they called this process "evolution". It seems the Earth is in a constant state of becoming rather than just being or staying the same.
    A hundred million years ago for example, dinosaurs roamed the Earth and it was a tropical paradise. Then a big-assteroid fell out of the sky & (climate-)changed everything...

  3. YDG - Kilimanjaro is a volcano but even if it is melting because of global warming, that doesn't mean its man made. Even if it is man made (its not) how is paying taxes to bankers and Al Gore going to help?
    Who knows if its even really warming "Hide the decline." makes it sound like its really cooling. Changing the name from global warming to climate change makes it sound like it must be cooling too. (This rant[not necessarily aimed at YDG, just supporters of climate change treaties.] was brought to you by Folgers Coffee, non decaff.)

    Ted - I agree.


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