
Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Ukraine Plague Warning

Steve Watson
Thursday, Nov 5, 2009
According to the write up at Chechen news outlet Kavkaz Center, the Ukrainian News Agency Fraza, has reported “it has been confirmed 100% Pneumonic Plague in Ukraine” and that in order to quell panic only talk of swine flu has been sanctioned by the authorities.

Whatever is really going on in Ukraine, the news has sparked a flurry of reports from conspiracy based websites that are citing a warning made in August by a man called Joseph Moshe, who claimed to be a former Mossad microbiologist.

Moshe hit the headlines when he was arrested after a long standoff with police in LA because he had supposedly made threats against the White House.

Shortly after his arrest, hundreds of comments and reports began to circulate stating that Moshe had called into a radio show to warn people about a biological weapon that was being prepared by Baxter International’s Ukraine plant that would be spread via a flu vaccine and would cause a plague upon it’s release.

Moshe’s identity as a microbiologist does seem to be verifiable, and Baxter certainly does have a presence in the Ukraine, as this page with Baxter’s contact information for it’s Ukraine office confirms.

Whether Moshe’s claims have any basis in truth is up for debate, however, it now seems an incredible coincidence that he fingered Ukraine as the location for a specific outbreak.


  1. holy crap! i hope these guys don't show up for the olympics!

  2. Billy - I didn't even think about that. Maybe you should move down this way for a while. I might even have a job for you. Any good at cleaning up messy backyards?

  3. Billy - As far as the eye can see, and they've got your name on them...I use to drink a lot of BILLY BEER.


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