
Thursday, November 26, 2009

TV Environmentalist Goes Nuts Over ClimateGate


  1. oh man..couldnt you find cnn tape to play ..i hate faux news

  2. Right now Fox is the only one even talking about it. The others are acting like it didn't happen.

    The post, The Truth in 11.5 Minutes is the one I wish everyone would look at. I never thought I'd see the day when Russian television told way more truth than all big three abc, nbc& cbs American news. BTW Obama's going to sign the Copenhagen Treaty despite all the evidence that global warming is a fraud. So now I know that his loyalties are with the globalists and not the American people.

  3. oh no, man, the more fox news ya watch, the closer you are to the darkside ;) global warming a fraud..come on man, go beyond the news and listen to the science of it, no?

    hope u had a nice holiday.

  4. Tina - What about the hacked emails that show the data showing global warming is fake? They purposely changed the data to hide the decline in global temps. So what science are you talking about? Fox is the only one covering this story, I mean NBC, CBS, ABC and BBC aren't covering it.

    I hope you have nice holidays too.


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