
Friday, October 30, 2009

Take the Red Pill

Fall of the Republic


  1. looks like a placadyl..or as we used to call them..'jelly reds'

  2. Those were around when I was just that cool little kid. I wouldn't do any drugs but the heads knew I wouldn't tell on them either, so they let me hang out with them. They use to talk about jelly reds all the time.

  3. shady lane and i would get a big bottle of cheap wine, a bunch of jelly reds and jars of those italian peppers and get in her little yellow jeep and go terrorize the deer hunters on steiners ranch during deer seasons. guys paid $thousands to get a shot at some deer and 2 stoned, drunk women were running all over the ranch screaming' run bambi run'...we ended nose down in a ditch and we were laughing hytserically and i mean we were point down..and after we quit laughing and realized we might be in trouble, lane said 'my smile keeps falling off'..(gravity) that was so funny we laughed for 30 minutes. had to walk back to the mini compound and lane called tommy steiner to help her get the jeep out(his ranch) and he said fuck you two crazy bitches, not till after deer season is over..ha

  4. On behalf of the many deer who's lives you saved, "Wheeeethhh" (That's deer for "Thank you".)


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