
Thursday, September 03, 2009


Iraq, borders Iran.
Wow, Afghanistan does too.
Well I'll be, so does Pakistan!
All the countries that give us trouble seem to border Iran!
Wait a minute, none of these countries has ever done anything to us.
I bet Turkmenistan is next in line not to do anything to us.


  1. wow, this is one of those educational blogs.

    i had never heard of turkmenistan until reading this.

    Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow is the president. think of the poor kids in school, they probably have to know how to spell this guys name.

  2. I think I used to go to school with Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow..short guy with a mustash?

  3. Billy - This looks like a game of Risk, Turkmenistan is the next logical place to put troops if Iran is your target. What excuse will we use to trigger an attack on Iran?

    Those poor kids, I bet they wish Cher was their president.

    YDG - I think I know that guy, passes gas a lot, short, has a funky little mustache?


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